Rho Gams

A Rho Gamma, or Rho Gam, is a member from a chapter within the Panhellenic community who is present to help PNMs through the recruitment process. They are disaffiliated from their chapter, meaning they are not actively a part of their chapter in order to be unbiased in helping the PNMs. A Rho Gam is present to answer questions, help in ranking, movement between rounds, and as a support before, during, and after the recruitment process. Rho Gams get to form relationships with PNMs that are unforgettable!

What is a Rho Gam?

We asked our Rho Gams what their favorite memory from 2023 recruitment was.

Here’s what they said…

Sarah Margaret Burns

“Getting to see the PNM's grow in their confidence with each other. But, one of my top memories would have to be having nightly dance parties with all of the rho gams! I truly had a great, genuinely fun few days in recruitment!”

Deven Ferrer

“My favorite part of being a rho gam was easily getting to debrief with my PNMs each night. It was so fun to hear their breakdown, and I loved being there for them by simply listening.”

Aly Powers

“I loved guiding my amazing PNMs to their homes!! I'm so lucky to know & love them! Shout out to my 4 new Phi Mu sisters <3”

Peyton Garrison

“fav part of rho gamming... gritty competitions and dance parties at midnight”